A M Zénon Wandering in Multi Universes of Mind and Life

Streaming and Floating Thoughts of life, people, living beings, universes, world, woods, trees, flowers, beauty, art, music, opera, books, poems, science, philosophy, memories…

Name changing of my site. Great Moments felt good for years. Made even a list of all my Great Moments from diary and catalogues and tickets and from memory. They are all always lively in my mind even after years.

Yet picturing these moments in plain words is nearly impossible, to me. Words fall short for all these emotions and feelings. And Life feels more as One Endless Continuing Great Moment, highs and lows, coming and going, in life and in memory. Life feels more and more as Streaming Thoughts. Floating through my mind as birds in the sky.

So better using this site for Streaming and Floating Thoughts. If I can hold them for a moment. And if I can give them words. English words and words from other languages, when I feel their sound or image more beautiful.

Zénon is the physician and philosopher from L’ Oeuvre au Noir by Marguerite Yourcenar.

Der Mönch am Meer  Caspar David Friedrich